
Recent Gun Purchases Show Common Sense

I cannot believe the twisted thoughts expressed by Ann Reiss Lane (letter, Sept. 23). To suggest that the increase in gun sales is related to depression and that neighbors should report to the police new gun owners who are “spewing hate” is simply McCarthyism and ignorance.

I didn’t buy a gun recently, because I’m sufficiently supplied with both guns and ammo. The new gun owners are simply making a purchase they now consider important. To protect one’s own life and the life of one’s family is not depression but a basic instinct. Considering we are in a state of war on our own soil, purchasing extra water, canned goods and batteries is not overreacting, it’s a smart thing to do. Even the high-quality gas masks are sold out nationwide.

So while responsible citizens are being labeled by Lane as mentally ill, I simply remember my old Boy Scout motto: Be prepared.


J. Scott David

Newport Beach
