
Problems on the Road? Now That’s a Riot

Regarding Grahame L. Jones’ column of Aug. 31 [“Road to Cup Is Nothing to Write Home About”], I do not have much sympathy for his plight. Should covering the news always be comfortable? Should there always be a meal at halftime?

Contrary to Jones’ self-portrait as something akin to a Honduran political prisoner, the reality is far rosier. Jones is a nation-hopping sports journalist, with cell phone and laptop, spreading the creed of predatory capitalism.

“It is never an intimidating experience for visiting players, fans or media to come to these shores,” he writes of U.S.-hosted World Cup qualifiers. What about the Honduran fans relegated to upper decks for the Sept. 1 qualifier in Washington? What about the Honduran ambassador, who, through an intermediary, had to shield his identity to get tickets?


I wish Jones had left his jingoism in the first-class hotel room.

John C. Turnbull

Decatur, Ga.
