
UCI Revises Plans for Student Apartments

UC Irvine officials have revised plans for 500 student apartments on Culver Drive to address residents’ concerns such as building height, design and landscaping, officials said.

“I was pleased that UCI seems to be willing to talk about things,” City Council member Greg Smith said after a study session on the issue. “Residents made some requests that I’m certainly in favor of, . . . and UCI seemed to be amenable.”

In late August, the university released an environmental report with preliminary plans for the project, which would be completed in 2005 and would house 1,500 students. Residents of nearby Turtle Rock said they feared the apartments would destroy views and cause traffic congestion and noise.


The proposal was for three-story buildings set back 10 feet from Culver. The revision would have two-story buildings set 50 feet back.

Councilman Chris Mears will be liaison between UCI and the city in negotiating a final proposal.
