
U.S. Held Hostage to Oil

As long as the U.S. is energy-dependent on Mideast oil, this country will continue to be held hostage to Black Gold and be forced to “go slow” on the Saudis and the oil cartel, even in times like these. Our failure to respond forcefully and dramatically against Middle East terrorists throughout the past four administrations has gotten us into this quagmire and is responsible, in great part, for the deaths of thousands, including those who perished Sept. 11. The times cry out for our country to quickly develop energy sources and resources that will make us independent of Mideast oil. A new Manhattan Project, if you will, must be created, funded and facilitated to achieve that goal. When we are no longer dependent on oil for fueling this great economy, only then will we be free to proceed at our own speed, not someone else’s. Then the question will be “Saudi who?”

Don Joel

Santa Ana


SUVs flying American flags are an oxymoron. There’s nothing patriotic about the arrogance and ignorance that go into driving one of these anti-environmental monsters. We openly waste precious natural resources in front of a world that has too few of them. We tell the world that it’s our perfect right to pollute the planet as much as we wish. Much of the petroleum that powers these SUVs comes from less-than-friendly places. Do us proud: Park your SUV in the garage and fly your flag from your house.

Lloyd A. Cunningham



It’s time that we take seriously the proposition that we become self-sufficient with our use of energy. The thought of “fuel” at $3 per gallon would not be so outrageous if the American people thought that it gave us more leverage with the powers in the Middle East.


As soon as the real leaders in the Middle East knew that the money spigot would be running dry, they would bend over backward to take care of their “problems.”

Money speaks louder than words.

Doron Schleifer



Right on about The Times’ opposition to drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (editorial, Sept. 28). If Americans wish to be patriotic and aid the environment at the same time--something that would help build up international support for this country--perhaps they could pressure auto companies to get more mileage out of their SUVs.

Peter Huck

Los Angeles
