
Domestic Violence Still Plagues Society

Re “Frequency of Domestic Homicide Falls,” Oct. 29: Highlighting the profound advances made to reduce domestic violence over the past few decades is critically important. Sadly, what remains a fact is that over 780,000 women continue to be abused by their partners each year.

It is outrageous that women continue to shoulder the responsibility for healthy relationships. While it may appear that divorce and short-term relationships are helping to stem the rate of intimate partner homicides, women are in the greatest danger when they attempt to leave abusive relationships.

Through collaboration, impressive work has been accomplished by policymakers, law enforcement, women’s advocates and the medical and business communities to create protections and safe havens for abused women. Future efforts to eradicate domestic violence must address systemic problems that foster domestic violence.


LeAnna Gutierrez

California Women’s Law Center

Los Angeles
