
Light-Rail Delay a Good Decision

* Re “Good Move on Light Rail,” editorial, March 18:

The Times makes several logical points supporting OCTA’s decision to delay the light-rail project. But, in discussing a continued search for such a system, you suggest ridership is needed to “maintain financial feasibility.” It is hard to see what ridership has to do with financial feasibility when operating costs will be 80% subsidized and capital costs 95% subsidized by the driving public. A proper definition would help. Remember, OCTA was pushing the system when ridership was 50% the current estimate. If we want a financially feasible system we need to look elsewhere besides light rail.


Huntington Beach

* While I applaud the recent decision by the OCTA to temporarily halt the light rail, I am appalled by the comments made by Councilman Mike Ward. I want to see the Irvine City Council reflect the wishes of the residents of Irvine because that is the job of the council.

Ward is quoted as saying, “What we’re doing is postponing preliminary engineering until we get support from the cities. I believe light rail has a future in Orange County.”


What is his definition of support? Ward does not have the support of residents of Irvine, specifically Oak Creek. I am insulted by Ward’s condescending attitude in that he knows what is good for us. How does he know this if he has not asked the residents? How can he say this when in the last council meeting, over 30 residents attended a late-night session to voice their concerns?


