
Overweight Kids Need More Play

* Re “A Plan to Slim Down Obese Kids,” Orange County editorial, March 4:

The plan to reduce weight gain in Latino children is welcome. Applause to the Health Care Foundation of Orange County, Latino Health Access and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian for forming a coalition to launch a pilot program in four Santa Ana schools.

The involvement of students, parents and the district food service is crucial to changes in children’s diet that will result in a reduced percentage of fat consumed. Required to complete the equation: recreation.

Alas, conditions in schools and neighborhoods combine to make kids too sedentary. A lack of school funds for supervised play before school keeps children sitting or standing around lunch tables until classes begin. The emphasis on improved test scores compels teachers to eliminate physical education from the daily schedule.


A lack of training, equipment and space for physical education instruction prevents classroom teachers from planning sequential movement lessons in which children learn physical skills required for successful participation in sports and games during their free time.

Unsafe neighborhoods with traffic speeding through residential streets causes parents to restrict children to backyards or homes after school. Another coalition is needed to counter these barriers to children’s natural active play.

Some solutions: a longer school day so the minutes actually required by the state can be devoted to physical education, state funds for elementary physical educators who can make those minutes worthwhile learning experiences, after-school supervision in neighborhood parks, access to the school playground before instruction begins, and education for parents and caretakers on the benefits of physical activity for lifetime health.



Corona del Mar
