
Grove Leadership

Re “Redwoods, Tutus and Power,” Commentary, June 21:

I want to commend Alexander Cockburn, who has annoyed me for years in your paper. Having attended the Bohemian Grove for 33 consecutive years, I have a bit of a feel for the place. I am a Goldwater/Reagan, unreconstructed Republican. Pat Brown, a great governor who built California as we know it, was my sponsor for many years.

J. Robert Oppenheimer, President Truman, et al., met in a lodge in the grove to discuss dropping the bomb, but the influence of the Bohemians since has been primarily in deciding which Broadway play to parody or which comedian to invite to entertain the invitees. A few weels ago, at Spring Jinks, the focus was on rock ‘n’ roll, not world dominance. Cockburn is right. Get over it. The Illuminati and the Bildebergers are history. Do you think these lords of the world would have yo-yos like Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, et al., in charge? It’s up for grabs.

John Leuthold

