
2 New Internet Suffixes Join Dot-Com Crowd

Two new Internet and .info--will join the familiar .com, .net and .org today when the Internet Corp. for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, adds them to the Net’s computer inventory system. However, new Internet addresses ending in .biz and .info won’t be widely used until the fall.

The .biz suffix will be reserved for businesses, and .info will be available for general use. But Afilias, the Newtown, Pa., company that will coordinate registration of .info names, expects to go online today at, becoming the first .info site in history. Afilias and Sterling, Va.-based NeuLevel, which is managing .biz names, will allow customers to preregister names with the new suffixes before they become operational.

ICANN, the Marina del Rey-based nonprofit group that oversees the Net’s addressing system, received approval from the Commerce Department to add the new suffixes to the system. Five other Internet address, .pro, .museum, .aero and .coop--will be added in coming months.
