
International Auto Salon Picks Up and Moves to Long Beach for This Year’s Show

The annual International Auto Salon, a showcase of equipment for the modern hot rod--from slammed Civics to pumped-up PT Cruisers--moves to the Long Beach Convention Center this year to accommodate larger crowds and a growing number of exhibitors.

The Feb. 10-11 show, co-sponsored by the Specialty Equipment Market Assn., is where manufacturers debut the latest in performance technologies and appearance and styling equipment for import and domestic cars.

It is a big and growing market, attracting enthusiasts from 16 to 60 who spent an estimated $756 million on parts and equipment for their cars in 1999, up from $295 million in 1997, according to SEMA.


The top five products categories in the so-called sport compact car market are air intake systems; suspension components; custom head lights and tail lights; alloy wheels and tires; and exhaust systems.

Nearly 200 exhibitors of such products are expected at the salon this year. Tickets, available only at the door, are $25 for one day or $35 for both days. Information and discount coupons are available online at Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Feb. 10 and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 12.
