

Busy Bee: “The wife of CBS morning host Bryant Gumbel has accused Bryant of sleeping with over 50 different women during their [27-year] marriage. . . . No wonder he looks so tired in the morning!” (Jay Leno)

Cover-Up 101: “Al Gore signed on to teach a journalism class at Columbia University next month called ‘Covering National Affairs.’ It’s the perfect topic for him. Over the last eight years, God knows how many affairs he had to keep covered.” (Argus Hamilton)

Parting Gifts: “Departing members of the Clinton White House played a prank on the incoming Bush people by removing the W from every computer keyboard in the White House. . . . You may think this is just a prank--but they also removed the numbers 9 and 1 from Dick Cheney’s phone!” (Bill Maher)


Wipe Out: “The Wall Street Journal is reporting the kleenex company Kimberly-Clarke [is] coming out with a new product called RollWipes. . . . Have you seen this advertised? [It’s] a $40-million advertising campaign [for] pre-moistened toilet paper for adults. . . . That’s what we need--another embarrassing product for Bob Dole to endorse.” (Leno)


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