
Child-Care Providers Attend Conference

Taking care of a roomful of preschool children can be challenging, and the organizers of the Child Care Provider Conference know it.

That’s why the Child Care Resource Center offered its sixth annual workshop Saturday at Cal State Northridge.

About 300 licensed child-care providers from the San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Antelope valleys participated in two dozen sessions, which covered everything from understanding subsidized child-care payments to infant massage and new ideas for circle time.


“Child-care providers are always hungry for new ideas,” said Julie Dubron, a conference chairwoman.

Vanessa Gurney, who runs the infant-toddler room of the Buonora Child Development Center in Reseda, said she learned a number of new activities to take back to the nine to 15 children she watches each day.

“There really is a huge support group out there,” Gurney said. “Everyone has ideas, and everyone has trials and tribulations.”
