

* The Proven: Villa Park returns its entire squad, but will have to move some players aside as three strong boys join the team. Garden Grove Coach Prat Mallawong says it’s a rebuilding year for the section finalists, but don’t believe him as the Argonauts are always contenders to reach the Southern Section finals.

* The Promising: Katella returns David Wang, the defending Empire League boys’ singles champion. Cypress has a strong girls’ squad anchored by league champions Aya Westbrook (girls’ singles) and Megan Wong and Melissa Kiang (girls’ doubles). A strong girls’ team also returns for Troy, but Coach Marv Hoover will have to replace five boys.

* Preseason Top 10: 1. Villa Park--Won’t be beaten this season. 2. Garden Grove--Good coaching will overcome problems of inexperienced players; 3. Katella--Expected to repeat as Empire League champ; 4. Troy--Will lead the way in tough Freeway League; 5. La Habra--Will battle Troy for league title; 6. Fullerton--With eight returning players, will also be in the Freeway race; 7. Loara--Coach Diane Sweeny always has her team ready to compete; 8. Cypress--Features a strong girls’ squad but needs boys to step up to win the Empire League title; 9. Westminster--Should win Golden West League title; 10. Marina--Will give Westminster a battle for league title.


* Key Dates: March 2-3, Garden Grove Yonex Classic; May 10, 12, Southern Section individuals; May 15, 17, 22, 24, Southern Section team playoffs; May 29, Southern Section team finals.

* League Favorites: Empire--Katella; Freeway--La Habra; Garden Grove--Garden Grove; Golden West--Westminster.

* Fast Fact: Villa Park Coach Sherry Smith has stepped down to an assistant’s position. Don Van, her former assistant, replaces her.
