
Waterfront Changes

Re “Redondo Beach Puts Dreams on Waterfront,” Sept. 5: Redondo Beach City Councilman Gerard Bisignano says with certainty, “You won’t recognize this city in five years.” I’ve got news for him, I am starting not to recognize it now. The already-ridiculous beach cities’ traffic seems to be a nonissue with city planners and council members.

As Redondo Beach continues down the road of high-density condo hell, development of monstrous retail and residential projects goes unchecked. Quality of life be damned, we must have more retail and more tourists. Heaven forbid that Catalina Avenue remains “unglamorous.” It must be transformed into a “grand boulevard” of shops, offices and more condos.

I think if you polled the residents of Redondo Beach, the vast majority would prefer our eyesore of a power plant to more traffic and noise pollution. I am afraid that with a booming economy, the almighty dollar will win out as the quality of life in Redondo Beach continues to go down the tubes. How sad that our city planners can’t leave well enough alone.



Redondo Beach
