
Students to Debate Existence of God

Members of the Freethinkers of Ventura County will invite four high school students to discuss their beliefs concerning God, religion and atheism at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Orchid Building.

The group’s founder, Charlotte Poe, said she has scheduled students from Camarillo and Rio Mesa high schools--two who believe in God and two who don’t--for an open forum and question-and-answer event titled “Does God Exist?”

Poe said that discussing religion is an important part of self-realization and growth.

“I know that young people have questions about religion,” said Poe, who became an atheist at age 17.


Poe said she typically schedules controversial topics at the group’s monthly meetings.

In September, the 100-member, Camarillo-based group hosted a discussion about the teaching of creationism in public schools that drew about 300 people.

“I try to get people to think deeply about things,” she said.

The discussion is open to everyone. Admission is $2 for guests and free for Freethinkers members.

The Orchid Building is at 816 Camarillo Springs Road. For more information, call 386-4232.
