
Parks and Rampart

Re “Suit Says Chief Blocked Early Rampart Probe,” Sept. 27: Now we learn that Chief Bernard Parks stopped an early investigation of the Rampart scandal and destroyed the career of an elite detective. What was Parks trying to hide? Parks ought to resign immediately. If not, the City Council ought to make his ouster its primary objective. Parks is the problem, or at least one of the primary ones, at the LAPD.

Los Angeles will have a decent police force only when Angelenos demand an end to the corruption and brutality that envelop the LAPD. Now is the time to demand an immediate end to Parks’ tenure and a thorough investigation of his actions.



* Guilty or not guilty? What role has Chief Parks played in the Rampart investigations? An outside agency should be looking at Parks and his staff for any evidence of wrongdoing. Parks should be accountable and also replaceable if this lawsuit by former Det. Russell Poole is proven to be correct.



Seal Beach
