
My Heroine

My mother and my grandmother are heroes to me in their own special ways.

My mom, Gloria Elizabeth Cordova, never gives up. She is a single mother, and there are times when there is not enough money for things like the bills. But she manages. There may be times when she has too many problems, family and economic problems, but she never falls down. She stays strong for all of us, including my sister and three brothers.

I am not afraid to talk to my mother about anything going on in her life. She is working now for the census, helping people to fill out the forms, but she also helps me with homework, especially English and math.

My grandmother came to the United States from El Salvador as an immigrant, without knowing English and without her family. She felt like going back but was strong and knew she had economic problems back in her country, so she decided to stay in the United States to work.


Through the years, my grandmother has had problems, but she stands on her own two feet. She has been working for over 35 years. My grandmother has shown me to be strong at heart and never give up in life.

Heroes show you things that will help you in life. Both my mother and grandmother have shown me that, when you struggle in life, never give up, no matter what.


Bell High School
