
Local Ballot Recommendations

Here is a summary of The Times’ ballot recommendations for Orange County in the March 7 election. A listing of our recommendations on state propositions can be found in the Opinion section today.

Local Ballot Measure:

Measure F: NO. It’s apparent seven years after the decision that eventually closed the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station that the prescribed base reuse process has failed. Measure F is a flawed attempt to remedy the short-circuiting of the planning by requiring two-thirds voter approval for airport projects, large jails in populated areas and hazardous waste landfills. A new Local Redevelopment Authority is needed, not a change in governance. Ballot-box planning is the wrong approach, and this measure could grant a minority of voters veto power over important projects that may be hard to sell.

Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 1):

Open seat: Recommendation: Marc Kelly. As a deputy district attorney, he has been an effective prosecutor of gangs and has made a special effort to help victims.


Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 6):

Open seat: Recommendation: John Conley. An experienced deputy district attorney who has been recognized by his peers statewide and who has extensive administrative experience.

Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 7):

Open Seat: Recommendation: Sheila Fell. A current court commissioner, Fell would bring wide experience in civil law to the bench and expand the ranks of judges beyond former prosecutors.

Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 10):

Open seat: Recommendation: Gary Paer. He is a former deputy district attorney who has been a respected court commissioner for several years.


Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 24):

Open seat: Recommendation: Mike Capizzi. Eminently qualified, Capizzi is well-known from his time as the county district attorney. He braved the wrath of his party’s kingmakers to prosecute political corruption.

Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 26):

Open seat: Recommendation: Fred Anderson. Questions exist about whether appointed incumbent H. Warren Siegel deserves an elected term because of judicial temperament. Anderson is the better of two challengers because of his wide experience.

Judge of the Superior Court (Office No. 30):

Open seat: Recommendation: Dan McNerney. McNerney has valuable experience as a prosecutor of crimes ranging from sexual violence to homicide.


County Board of Education (Area 1):

Recommendation: Incumbent Felix Rocha is more casual about a challenge this time than he should be but deserves another term for his effective support of the board and district.

County Board of Education (Area 3):

Recommendation: Challenger Joanne L. Stanton brings vast experience to the race, having served for many years on the Anaheim Union High School District board. She is a clear choice over incumbent Eric H. Woolery.
