
Disabilities Center Names New Chief

Harry F. “Bud” Rizer, an expert in use of electronics and computers to help people with disabilities, has been appointed as the new director of the Cal State Northridge Center on Disabilities, campus officials have announced.

He assumes his post Aug. 1.

Rizer has worked in his field for 17 years, most recently as director of the T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability at the University of Mississippi.

“The Center on Disabilities has contributed greatly to the mission of focusing international attention toward the issues of disability and technology” Rizer said.


Rizer will maintain and expand the campus services to students with disabilities, as well as the training program the Center for Disabilities sponsors.

Each year, CSUN hosts a conference on assistive technology. Last March, the event drew more than 4,000 people from 37 countries representing the fields of medicine, special education and rehabilitation.
