
Student’s Fashion Show a Runway Hit

Under flashing red lights, girls with stick-straight hair and legs sauntered down the construction paper-lined runway in beaded double-knits, organza, vinyl and tulle while students packed into the Granada Hills High School auditorium whistled and cheered.

HaNa Lee’s fashion debut was a success.

As part of a class project, the 17-year-old senior designed a collection of “young, fun and sexy” casual and formal wear, and with the help of teachers and other students produced a fashion show for the school Tuesday morning.

“I kind of went further than I needed to [with the class project], but this is what I want to do when I graduate,” said HaNa, who is headed this fall to Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles.


An Otis admissions counselor heaped praise on HaNa’s collection, which included a dress with a beaded top, see-through vinyl midriff and a black tulle skirt worn over spandex pants.

“She definitely has what it takes,” said Susan Ries, who attended the 30-minute fashion show. “Obviously, we’re very encouraged about her coming to our school. We’re very proud of her.”

HaNa’s interest in fashion began in ninth grade when she started learning to sew and draw. Three years later, her friends want to wear her collection of skin-tight, thigh-high shorts and mini-dresses with beading and knitting needles sewn onto the sides and behind.


“I know the knitting needles would be hard to wear, but it looks awesome for the show,” said HaNa, already thinking like a high-end fashion designer.

And acting like one too. When her show ended to deafening applause, HaNa air-kissed the crowd as a dozen friends and family members showered her with bouquets.

Cameras flashed as her models posed for publicity shots. Reporters flocked to her for quotes. And everyone wanted to shake her hand.


“Thank you,” she said, hugging her fans. “Thank you so much.”
