
Man Rescued After Boat Sinks in Lake

An unidentified man who jumped into Lake Palmdale while fishing from a boat early Monday afternoon was treated for hypothermia, a Los Angeles County fire official said.

Other boaters helped the 66-year-old man ashore and summoned authorities, Fire Inspector Edward Osorio said.

Paramedics transported the man by helicopter to Antelope Valley Hospital, where he was listed in good condition, a hospital spokesman said.


The boat had begun sinking and the man jumped into the water, flipped the boat over and tried to lie on the hull, Osorio said.

“He tried to jump on top of the boat, but he kept falling back into the water,” Osorio said.

After about 20 minutes, the man swam to reeds on the bank of the lake, where other boaters helped him out, the inspector said.


A hospital spokesman said the man was just being checked as a precaution.
