
Quintek Raises $1 Million Through Warrant Offering

Quintek Technologies in Camarillo said it raised more than $1 million in the past eight months by offering warrants.

Class A Warrants, with a strike price of $1, expired Jan. 14. Quintek’s Class B Warrants, with a strike price of $2, have been extended until March 14. Company officials said they will honor Class A Warrants, at a new strike price of $2, until March 14.

“We appreciate the confidence of our shareholders and the commitment they have made to Quintek,” said Tom Sims, president and CEO. “[We] plan to reward this loyalty by introducing new products, expanding our customer base and developing additional strategic partnerships.”


Sims said the company plans to continue expanding its sales of equipment, media and software, while launching the Internet-based Web Shuttle software.

Quintek supplies chemical-free products used to preserve digital data and ensure against information loss.
