
Man Found Frozen in Glacier Estimated to Be 550 Years Old

Clothes on a man found frozen in a glacier in British Columbia’s Tatshenshini-Alsek Park on Aug. 14 are about 550 years old, indicating the man died before Europeans arrived on this continent, scientists said Tuesday. A moose found near the man, however, dated to the 1960s.

The intact frozen body, along with tools, such as a knife (above), was found by three teachers on a hunting trip. The man, now called Kwaday Dan Sinchi (“Long Ago Person Found” in the language of the Champagne and Ashihik First Nations tribe of the region), is being stored at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria while scientists develop a research plan. Researchers hope the body’s well-preserved condition will reveal information about early Native Americans.

--Compiled by Times medical writer Thomas H. Maugh II
