

Re “Some School Advice for Parents,” Voices, Sept. 25: Having completed 42 years of teaching in the public schools, there are some points with which I agree. I must take exception to Jeff Lantos’ position on homework. Homework should not necessarily be on the top of the priority list. I believe music, sports, organizations designed for young children and religious instruction should take priority.

My wife and I are grandparents. If we had the resources we would start a national movement and call it “Grandparents Against Homework.” We have watched our five grandchildren (ages 7 to 12) labor hours on meaningless work that could have been better spent reading a good book. The intrusiveness of homework into their family life is, in our opinion, appalling. My wife and I are both university graduates and until we were in high school we don’t remember homework as more work from school.

Our homework before high school was singing in our church choir, practicing piano, reading and helping with family chores. Occasionally our teacher might ask us to collect things from nature, magazines or newspapers that we would then use in a variety of ways in our classes in school the next day.



