
Waco Inquiry

Am I really the last one on the planet to remember that our government took over the Branch Davidian compound at Waco when brainwashed parents condoned their leader David Koresh’s having sexual intercourse with their 10- and 13-year-old children? In “Clinton Gets Triple Dose of Republican Criticism” (Sept. 22), as well as other articles, nobody reminds us of the reason Atty. Gen. Janet Reno OKd the takeover. One therefore questions Sen. Orrin G. Hatch’s (R-Utah) motivations for a Justice Department investigation. Why is the outrage directed at our government and not at the cult?

Now we hear that a Libertarian wishes to rebuild the compound (Sept. 20) as a monument to government intrusion. Rather, it should be built to the children who lost their innocence and childhood way before they lost their lives.


Grants Pass, Ore.
