
Davis Sends $2-Billion Parks Bond to Voters

From Times Wire Services

Amid the rustic tranquillity of Will Rogers State Park in Pacific Palisades, Gov. Gray Davis signed a bill Tuesday putting a $2.1-billion park bond measure on the statewide ballot next March.

If approved by voters, the sweeping legislation will provide “California’s first opportunity in more than a decade to invest in local and state parks, clean water and coastal beaches,” the governor said.

AB 18 was co-sponsored by Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa (D-Los Angeles) and Speaker Pro Tem Fred Keeley (D-Boulder Creek).


“Since the beginning of our state parks system in 1964, California’s public parks and open spaces have stood as an outward symbol of our state’s soaring soul and spirit,” Davis said.

For “far too long, however, we have neglected these magnificent mileposts of California’s natural heritage. That ends today.”

Among other provisions, the bond act would provide:

* $544.7 million for rehabilitation and improvements to the state parks system.

* $826.5 million for grants to local agencies for urban parks, trails and recreational facilities.


* $45.8 million for river, parkway and land conservation.

* $277.5 million for acquisition of wildlife habitat and open space land.

* $220 million for protection of coastal areas, watersheds and wetlands.

“Placing the parks bond on the ballot is truly an historic milestone in California’s effort to ensure the continued expansion and care of our irreplaceable historical and natural resources,” Villaraigosa said.
