
Crosswalk at Injury Site to Be Removed

The crosswalk where a 15-year-old Royal High School student was hit by a car last week will be removed next year under a safety plan approved in March by the City Council.

The crosswalk, at the intersection of Royal and Blaze avenues, is being eliminated in an effort to funnel pedestrians to another intersection, at Royal and Buckskin avenues, where a traffic signal is scheduled to be installed.

A third crosswalk, at Royal and Pride Street, also will be removed for the same purpose.

“Rather than having three cross-walked intersections, we are putting one at Buckskin with a signal and encouraging everyone to use that one,” said Bill Golubics, the city’s deputy director of public works.


The two crosswalks will be removed after the traffic signal is operational, which could be as early as spring, Golubics said.

Joseph Propst, 15, was riding his bike to school about 8 a.m. Thursday when he was hit by a vehicle. He suffered cuts and bruises, said his father, Michael.

“We thank God for him not being any more hurt than he was,” Propst said.

Joseph plans to return to school today, the first time since the accident.

Last October, Erin Fonvergne, a freshman at the time, was struck while in the crosswalk where the city now plans to install the signal.


She suffered a broken leg and spent several days in the hospital.

The elder Propst said he is pleased the city plans to do something to prevent future problems.

“If they completely eliminate [the crosswalk], maybe that will help,” Propst said. “That they are willing to do that is a step in the right direction.”

City Councilwoman Barbara Williamson, however, said the city can only do so much to prevent such accidents.


“The city will do its part to protect its children, but the parents need to do it too,” she said.
