
L.A. Traffic Congestion

* Re “More MTA Bumbling,” editorial, Oct. 4: Another editorial on the misdeeds of the MTA. When are we going to wake up to the reality of traffic congestion in Los Angeles? This region is suffocating from traffic and the future is bleak. We need to end our obsession with buses. Buses offer only a Band-Aid solution to cancerous traffic problems. The real solution lies in subways, magnetic levitation trains, light rail trains and monorails. It is offensive to have the bus rider advocates and the MTA board threatening the viable future of the L.A. area.

Another 7 million residents are expected to move into this region over the next 20 years. What then? Another 2,000 buses? Frankly, even 100,000 new buses will not solve the transportation problems of Southern California. Los Angeles needs leadership on this issue. It needs a vision for the future. If the MTA board can no longer lead, then it should be disbanded. Bus riders and all residents of the Southland need to realize that the future of jobs and the economy depends on finding new solutions to our transportation nightmare.


West Hollywood

* Why all the commotion over whether the MTA should fund buses or trains? We have to have more of both and they should be funded by both taxes and fare increases. Lacking the political will to deal with overpopulation, we can only expect more explosive growth and congestion. The sooner we decide to bite the bullet and pay for it, the better off we will be.



Los Angeles
