
U.S. Releases Man Accused of Terrorism

Associated Press

An Egyptian man painted as a terrorist and jailed for more than three years on secret evidence was freed Monday after immigration officials gave up a last-ditch legal challenge to his release.

The Justice Department on Monday notified Nasser Ahmed’s attorneys that their client, once a close associate of extremist Muslim cleric Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, would go free.

Later, the Immigration and Naturalization Service said it had withdrawn its request that Atty. Gen. Janet Reno keep Ahmed jailed while it continues to try to prove he poses a threat to U.S. security.


“I’m very grateful for all the lawyers who . . . worked very hard for my release,” said a jubilant Ahmed. He said his accusers “are liars and they know they are liars. . . . They knew from day one I had nothing to do” with terrorism.
