

Welcome Back, Bob: Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire recently returned to the Republican Party after quitting his 111-day independent run for the presidency. “His seniority starts over, though. He gets the drafty locker nearest the door and has to pick up the towels after the senators snap each other in the shower.” (Jerry Perisho)

Bob Who?: “Sen. Bob Smith dropped his independent bid for president--to the disappointment of the 10 people who knew he was in the race.” (Daily Scoop)

But What Color Is His Blood?: New Dodger Chairman Robert Daly is a longtime fan of the team. “In fact, Daly promises to attend every game and stay at least through the seventh inning.” (Scoop)



Chris Pina

What Sets Off

Sen. John McCain’s Temper

* People who say he’s got a bad temper.

* Those ad cards in TV Guide.

* Only eight hot dog buns per pack.

* Comics who write derivative Letterman lists.

* Overlooked as POW of the Millennium.

* When he’s mistaken for a Democrat.

* Everything.

Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
