
Nevada to Ban Job Bias Against Gays

From Associated Press

Gov. Kenny Guinn said Friday that he will sign a bill to prohibit job discrimination against gays.

Guinn, the state’s first Republican governor in 16 years, will sign the measure in the next few days.

“The governor feels that discrimination in the workplace, whether in the private or the public sector, is simply wrong and this bill is the right thing to do,” said Jack Finn, the governor’s press secretary.


The bill calls for sexual orientation to be added to race, color, sex, religion and disabilities as things banned from discrimination in hiring, promotion and firing. Tax-exempt organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, are excluded from the law, which is to take effect Oct. 1.

Ten states and the District of Columbia have similar laws, said the Human Rights Campaign based in Washington.

Congress has not approved a similar federal law, and some opponents of the Nevada bill had suggested the state wait until Congress acts.
