
Search Teams Seek Mt. Shasta Hiker, 69

From Associated Press

The search for a 69-year-old hiker missing for almost a week on Mt. Shasta intensified Friday as a state helicopter dropped searchers on the upper slopes of the mountain.

Carl H. Landers of Orinda was last seen in the Lake Helen area near the 10,000-foot level last Saturday morning.

Landers, an avid hiker, was attempting to scale the highest mountain in every county in California. He was climbing with two other hikers when they became separated.


The state Department of Forestry provided a helicopter to transport the searchers and is continuing to hunt for Landers from the air. A California Highway Patrol helicopter was also being used in the search.

Two snow vehicles were being used to shuttle personnel onto the lower slopes of the mountain, and ground crews were continuing a grid search of the Cascade Gulch area around Sand Flat and McBride Springs.
