
CLU Offering Theater Workshop

Cal Lutheran University will offer its 14th annual Summer Theater Workshop for Youth beginning next month.

The workshop, held in conjunction with the Santa Susana Repertory Company, is designed to increase self-awareness and develop group skills through theater training.

Ken Gardner, chairman of the CLU drama department, and his staff will offer two workshop sessions for beginning students, ages 9-14, from June 28-July 9 and July 12-23 on the campus. A workshop for advanced students, ages 11-16, will run June 28-July 9. The Junior Repertory Company will meet July 12-Aug. 14 and requires an interview for admission.


The cost of the beginning and advanced workshops is $185 for a two-week session, payable at the time of registration. The cost for the junior company is $405. The deadline for enrollment in any workshop is June 18. For more information or workshop brochures, call Ken Gardner at 493-3863.
