
Bicycle Coalition Plans Talk on Safety

The Ojai Bicycle Coalition, in honor of National Bike Safety month, has planned a series of free events to celebrate traveling on two wheels.

“More than a bunch of people who have cycling in common, the coalition is a grass-roots group working toward safe bicycle and pedestrian routes,” said President Tom Bostrom.

The organization promotes safe riding, sharing of roadways and plentiful and secure bike parking.


A discussion of ways parents can demonstrate bicycle safety to their children will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday at Libbey Park. Free helmet adjustments and safety literature will be offered.

On May 15, the fifth annual Ojai Public Safety Festival and Bicycle Rodeo is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Nordhoff High School. The coalition’s annual Bike Day awards ceremony will be held at Libbey Park on May 16 from 1 to 2 p.m.

The coalition also is active in city politics. The group helped draft the Ojai Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, which was recently approved by the City Council. Members have also encouraged city officials to seek additional funds for cyclists and pedestrians.
