
Like One of the Boys

They’re stylish enough for a boy but made for a woman. Skimpies, a Los Angeles underwear manufacturer, has turned around the cliche of women in men’s boxers with its release of Choniz, boys’ underwear for women.

“We’re noticing that a lot of women were just wearing boys’ briefs,” said Kevin Monaghan, a partner with designer Craig Quinn, who started the company in 1997.

You may ask how they know, but when Monaghan and Quinn mention that they run an underwear company, they say, “people will just show you their underwear.”


Choniz (from the Spanish slang for underwear) look like the traditional brief, but they are cut for women, with a lower, hip-hugging waistline. They cost $20 per pair and will come in the very feminine colors of pink and lilac. Skimpies also sells a traditional ribbed T-shirt ($26) for women for that everyday macho look. “It’s that ribbed tank that every father has,” Monaghan said. “We gave it a much cleaner racer back and shortened it up so that it’s much more comfortable for women.”

For information: (213) 622-1980.
