
Rosenberg’s Take on the Rocky Life and Times of ‘Life & Times’

Howard Rosenberg’s column describing KCET’s hitherto excellent “Life & Times” (“ ‘Life & Times’ Goes Dangerously Adrift,” March 3) understates the problem: I believe “Life & Times” is headed for the rocks.

I agree with Rosenberg that co-hosts “Hewett, Maddox, and . . . Morrison . . . were always the best reason to watch the show. . . . “

I also concur that new host Jerry Nachman “is obviously smart and multifaceted,” but he’s not a good one-on-one interviewer. The exchanges with his guests are jerky and often seem unreasonably truncated.


What’s more, I sometimes get the impression that Jerry is being poked off-camera with an electric cattle prod to speed things along.

Rosenberg puts things so well. I hope he continues to observe KCET closely and to keep us little people informed on the progress there, including any undesirable effects from its “increasing commercial ties.”


Laguna Hills
