
A Little Scare to Get Little Ones Brushing

We asked you about that daily chore, the brushing of teeth. Here’s what you said:

My wife and I couldn’t get our young son and daughter to brush right--or at all. Here’s what we did.

I faked a toothache.

My wife faked an emergency dental appointment.

I left the house, waited two hours and on the way home picked up a small bottle of catsup.

I drank some ketchup and entered my home in major pain!

Oh, the looks on my children’s faces when I opened my mouth.

I told them the dentist said I didn’t brush well.

They brush now!



My daughter’s kindergarten class did a two-week lesson on dental health. They were given new toothbrushes and a travel-size tube of toothpaste to use after lunch. They were given a chart to keep track of brushing; anyone who brushed their teeth 20 times over the 10-day period got a special prize. My daughter loved it. She even flossed!!

--TINA NEWHARD, Huntington Beach


My 5-year-old made an awesome charted construction-paper toothbrush at school and has to mark with her initials when she brushes in the morning / evening. She doesn’t want to leave anything blank.


My 7-year-old and 9-year-old don’t mind brushing.

I made a deal with my 10-year-old son--if he brushes his teeth after breakfast and before he goes to bed, then I won’t nag. His choice.



ll we need to do in our house to get Katie (4 years old) and Michael (almost 2 years old) to brush their teeth is start the music--”Brushin’ ” by the Happy Crowd!

They race to the bathroom to start brushin’! Works every time without fail. They even spit on cue with the music!




My parents made each of us three kids put a dollar on the fridge with a magnet. If they caught us at any point during the day with icky smiles, the dollar was put in a jar and had to be replaced. The money in the jar went toward the cavity fund.

By $5, we were all dedicated teeth cleaners.

--ANNE GILLESPIE, age 16, San Clemente


Getting my 3 1/2-year-old boy (who is usually very obedient) into the bathroom to brush his teeth--other than his bath time / nature calls--is a very frustrating ordeal.

After so many tactics tried and failed (even bribery), I now say, “Baby, it’s time to get rid of your mouth bugs. Ohhhhh! I see that ugly mouth bug. Yuck! Yuck!”


So far, it’s been working fairly nicely.

--LIBBY LO, Pasadena


The next question: So, your teenagers finally got their driver’s licenses, oh my. What guidelines (or rules or restrictions) do you put in place for borrowing your car--or for driving their own?

* Please share your strategies with us in 75 words or fewer by Friday of this week. Each Monday, we’ll ask a new parenting question, and publish responses on a subsequent Monday. Send to Parental Guidance (PG), Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053; e-mail [email protected]; or fax (213) 237-0732.


Please include your name, hometown and phone number. Submissions cannot be returned. No telephone calls, please.
