
Valley Secession

In reading Kevin Starr’s article, “L.A. Is Refounded, and Succession Lives” (Opinion, June 13), I found it most distressing that the thrust of it is an attack on Valley VOTE as an elitist group dedicated to the dismantling of the second-largest city in the U.S. This vitriolic attack apparently came from someone who knows little about the makeup of Valley VOTE. Is he not aware that of the three chief partitioners one was black and one was Latino? Has he made an effort to attend any Valley VOTE meeting? If he had, he would see that the membership is diverse.

We are not acting as secessionists, we are only seeking greater participation by the people in this government and demanding a study by the L.A. Local Agency Formation Commission. It was the shock value of this group of individuals that acted as the catalyst for the charter reform movement. It is Valley VOTE that precipitated the study by LAFCO. Does it not lead to the perfect opportunity for an audit of Los Angeles?

We all have one goal: to better the quality of life in Los Angeles. If this fails, then perhaps Starr will see that smaller could be better.



Executive Committee

Valley VOTE, Encino


With the state needing schools, teachers, prisons, health care for the indigent, better roads, etc., Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa wants to spend state funds to study secession (Commentary, June 15)? What’s wrong with this picture?

If people in the Valley want to secede from Los Angeles, let people in the Valley pay for the study. If we set this precedent, every time a few disgruntled citizens anywhere in the state think they might like to secede, we taxpayers will be expected to foot the bill for a study.


