
Postal Region Earns Title With On-Time Delivery

While they usually work in the shadows, little noticed by the public as they carry out their daily work, some U.S. Postal Service letter carriers and clerks were the center of attention Wednesday at the area’s main post office.

With a 95% on-time delivery record from February to May, the San Fernando Valley postal district had the best score in California and the second best in the country, said Postal Service spokeswoman Terri Bouffiou.

“This gives us an opportunity to celebrate what we do best,” said Van Nuys Postmaster Woody DeWitt. “It’s only just the beginning. I’m looking forward to the day we can close the other 5%.”


Every night, processing centers in the Valley district, which stretches from Pasadena to Santa Barbara, handle more than 5 million pieces of mail, Bouffiou said.

“Unfortunately, with all the negative jokes, folks have a bad view of us,” added letter carrier Yvette Solache-Ramirez, 32, who delivers mail in San Fernando. “We’ve been working really hard and hopefully we’ll keep it up.”
