
More Trade With Africa

Your July 12 editorial, “Africa’s Trade Struggle,” was on the mark in pointing out the benefits the countries of southern Africa would realize by lowering their trade barriers through the Southern Africa Development Community mechanism. The region would become more attractive to foreign investors, who today are deterred by the relatively small domestic markets of the southern African nations. I share your hope that SADC can reach an agreement to liberalize trade sooner than later.

Another important stimulus for southern African economies is the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which is in Congress now. This bipartisan legislation would grant enhanced U.S. market access to African countries that are committed to opening their markets to foreign trade and investment.

Many of us in Congress have been working to bring Africa into the world economy. We have done this with a sense of urgency, facing the reality that Africa risks permanent economic marginalization. If Africa falls off the world’s economic map and Africans fail to reach their considerable economic potential, the continent would massively suffer. Our country would be the loser too. Try as we may, the U.S. would not be able to escape the consequences of a future Africa of economic decline, environmental degradation, disease and terrorism.



Chairman, House Subcommittee on Africa

