
Comment on Pageants Was Unfair

I just read a review of the “Pageant of the Masters” by Randy Lewis (“Pageant: Radical, Prude!” July 9). I deeply resent his calling past years’ pageants “a historically tacky Orange County event.”

I have taken people to this “event” from New York City, Missouri, Florida, and a government official from France (who knew more about art, I’d wager, than Randy Lewis does). They were all thrilled and impressed.

It seems that these days someone has to find some tradition to tear down. I am really infuriated! You could use a new art editor.



Huntington Beach

Lewis’ praise of this year’s pageant confirmed my opinion that purchasing tickets would have been an abysmal waste of money.

It’s unfortunate for Mr. Lewis that he has found the pageant of previous years to be bastions of banality; with such a supercilious attitude he has missed much joy that has been garnered from this 67-year-old tradition. He might wish to ask himself why it has been a tradition for 67 years.

Mr. Lewis’ review does remind me of reviews by Mr. Swed on classical music and Mr. Segal on dance. They are a remarkably interchangeable trio. (Do they actually go to these events--or stay for the whole event?) For all of them, anything that has lasted is to be mocked or ignored and anything that is strident, atonal and offensive is to be applauded.


But I’m grateful. I always know when to buy tickets thanks to this hapless trio of reviewers.


Costa Mesa
