
Van Nuys Airport Study

Those who are so avid to support the unfettered growth of Van Nuys Airport helped produce the one-sided report in your article last week on financial and job loses if the [airport] is not allowed to continue to host Stage 2 jets (“Study Opposes Limit on Jets at Van Nuys,” Jan. 5). This, along with the introduction of 737 jets, 24-hour Stage 3 jet traffic and U.S. Customs service for international flights is clearly a significant slap in the face of the homeowner’s of the San Fernando Valley who live with the already excessive noise of the airport.

We can all throw numbers around and not really confront the problem, which is the level of noise from Van Nuys Airport. Before any expansion can be considered at Van Nuys, the city must establish significant noise level restrictions and the means of tracking and enforcing violations. Then we can find out what kind of traffic this airport in the center of a residential community should be allowed to have. At that point, the rich corporations that fly these jets and helicopters would continue to use the airport by purchasing quieter and more neighborhood-friendly aircraft.



For years, a handful of community activists have attempted to destroy Van Nuys Airport by restricting the major economic factor at the airport--jet aircraft. They have ranted and raved that no one would be hurt by eliminating jet aircraft, while the airport operators have countered that they would be forced out of business.


Now the truth has been released, in the form of a professional study by Airport Corp. of America, commissioned by the Department of Airports.

Shame on you, Los Angeles City Council, for listening to and accepting as correct, the knee-jerk pandering of a very few people who love to see their names in print far more than they seek to balance the community for the benefit of all.

Van Nuys Airport is a vital part of the economic engine that provides jobs and a standard of living for thousands of Valley residents. Without the airport, many companies that call this area home would leave to find more business-friendly territory.


What is better for the greater good in the community? No on non-addition; yes on Van Nuys Airport.

GEORGE JEROME, Former Chairman, Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council, West Hills
