
Supervisors’ Vote on Chairmanship

* With the first vote of the new year by the Orange County Board of Supervisors Jan. 5, hope of any newfound integrity or sense of fair play immediately fell by the wayside.

What should have been merely a procedural matter turned into a political power play with Supervisor Tom Wilson, vice chairman, being denied chairmanship in favor of Supervisor Charles V. Smith.

Newly ensconced Supervisor Cynthia Coad let it be known that she fully supports “politics as usual” as she fell in line with the North County power brokers.


It should be painfully clear with this latest act that our county government in its present form will never allow South County its proper place at the table.

South County citizens are continually slapped in the face by those attempting to force their agendas on us, and one can only turn the other cheek for so long.

It is time for leaders in the south to take a hard and serious look at secession so that we may control our own future. If there are any history scholars on the board, they should well remember the phrase “Don’t tread on me.”



Aliso Viejo
