
Gun Maker Lawsuit

In the spirit of the White House’s effort to sue gun manufacturers to hold them accountable for gun violence in the community (Dec. 8), I would like to propose that every time any citizen is a victim of a crime at the hands of a convicted felon, the victim be allowed to sue the government for not being accountable to the citizenry and protecting us from known dangers. If the federal government is so concerned about our safety, it should start doing its part by keeping criminals in their cages instead of letting them loose on us, rather than wasting my time and money suing gun manufacturers.




Re “Registering Guns,” letter, Dec. 10: It is the U.S. Supreme Court that interprets our Constitution. In 1939 the court decided that the 2nd Amendment does not create a personal right to bear arms, and all subsequent Supreme Courts have decided to let that decision stand.


Westlake Village
