
Big Government and Republicans

Re “Anti-’Government’ Feeling Is a Luxury for Americans,” Commentary, Aug. 27:

Matthew Miller implies that if the federal government were reduced as the Republicans want, America would end up with Third World conditions not unlike what we see in Turkey, where lax enforcement of inadequate housing codes contributed to the recent tragedy there. But who are the Republicans who are calling for the rescission of safe housing codes? Even more, where are the ones who, as Miller insinuates, want to do away with clean water, clean air, safe food and disease control?

These kinds of invidious suggestions and scaremongering tactics inhibit serious and intelligent debate in this country over important issues, such as, in this case, the proper role of government. When Republicans criticize big government, it’s because we believe some things are either being run inefficiently (e.g., Social Security) or are better handled at the state and local level (e.g., think of the shut-off valve on home gas lines or the potholes that he complains of in Turkey).

I’m satisfied with the many things done well by our government, but I’m also confident that it can stand a significant overhaul without landing us in the Third World.



