
Drug Users

If it should be found that Texas Gov. George W. Bush used cocaine at some time in his life, we need to decide whether or not using cocaine is a serious crime. If it is, then Bush should be ineligible for the presidency in the same manner as if he had committed other serious crimes such as burglary, embezzlement or robbery. In fact, such criminals often receive far shorter prison terms than drug offenders.

But if using cocaine is not a serious crime and does not disqualify Bush from running for president, then why are all those people in prison for doing exactly what Bush did? You can’t have it both ways.


Woodland Hills

* After reading the Aug. 26 letters about Bush, I was shocked. How can one compare a person who did cocaine in college to a coldblooded murderer? When Bush allegedly did cocaine, he committed a victimless crime. He hurt no one but himself.


Karla Faye Tucker callously pickaxed an innocent sleeping woman 40 times. I bet the families of her victims certainly see the distinction between the two.


Aliso Viejo

* The Bush dilemma on youthful indiscretions is like having to answer yes or no to the tricky question: Have you stopped beating your wife? Damned if yes and worse if no.

He should have stuck to his own golden guideline: Among the things most often opened by mistake is the mouth.



