
Is Your House in a Historic District?

In the July 18 story headlined “Buying to Add On,” I was troubled to see under your heading “Older Houses Bring Special Issues” no mention that buyers of an “older” house should determine beforehand whether the home is within a historic district and/or is a historic house.

In Anaheim, more than 1,100 buildings built before 1949 have been chosen to be on the Qualified Historic Structures list and are deemed “contributors” to the Anaheim Colony Historic District, established in 1997.

The historic preservation plan’s guidelines are not mandatory, but homeowners are educated about why any alteration or addition should reflect the historic fabric or features of the original building.


Additions to historic houses should not reflect the transient whims and tastes of new owners. Any project should be started only after historical documentation has been researched.

If a buyer is not interested in preserving these houses, why buy a historic house?


