
A Promotion Trick from Magicians

Magicians upset by Fox Broadcasting Co. television shows that expose the mechanics of intricate tricks claimed Wednesday to be making sponsors of upcoming shows disappear. But, on closer inspection, the disappearing ads are, like magic, something of an illusion.

Spokesmen for a coalition of groups representing magicians said that several national advertisers, including Wendy’s International Inc., had agreed not to advertise on upcoming shows.

“What the magicians are saying is true and not true,” a Wendy’s spokesman said. “We were never scheduled to appear on those shows and had no plans to go there in the future.”


Other companies, including Coca-Cola Co., said they’d withdrawn advertising dollars from the series before the suggested boycott arose.

“We don’t care why they’re not advertising as long as they’re not supporting the program,” said Kevin Spencer, a magician and spokesman for the World Alliance of Magicians, a professional group.
