
Sobriety Checkpoint Nets Six Arrests

The latest in a series of checkpoints resulted in the arrests of six motorists on suspicion of drunk driving and a handful of citations over the weekend, police say.

The checkpoint, at the intersection of Ventura Road and Clara Street, was run jointly by the Oxnard and Port Hueneme police departments. The two agencies have run sobriety checkpoints together since 1996.

“People go see [the checkpoints], they go through them, they tell their friends about them,” said Oxnard Senior Police Officer Ken Klopman. “It makes folks realize the threat of punishment is real.”


Police say the joint project has reduced alcohol-related accidents by about 25%. Since the Oxnard Police Department began its sobriety checkpoint program in 1993, Klopman said, such accidents have fallen 43.5%.

Two sobriety checkpoints are performed each month, Klopman said.

For more information about drunk-driving prevention, call the Oxnard-Port Hueneme Community Action Coalition to Prevent DUI at 385-7490.
