
Water, Sewer Rates Steady for Next Year

Irvine Ranch Water District directors recently approved an operating budget for fiscal 1998-99 that avoids increases in water and sewer rates.

The $38-million budget, effective July 1, will provide the operating funds to supply treated, untreated and reclaimed water, and to provide sewer service during the coming year.

In February 1997, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California provided a $70-million rebate to its member agencies. The district is using its share of that rebate, $1.1 million, to offset a possible shortfall.


The budgeted shortfall is attributed to an increase in the amount of expensive imported water the district must buy to meet growing demand. The cost of the imported water bought from MWD remains the same. During the coming fiscal year, Irvine Ranch Water District officials will continue efforts to obtain lower ground water rates.
